Team-Based Virtual Care: Striving for Seamless Inclusive Care
Virtual care facilitates patients’ and families’ inclusiveness in care planning, which improves the transition experience. This Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)-funded program adopts a Patient-Oriented Research (POR) and Integrated Knowledge Translation (IKT) approach via the diverse engagement of older adults, families, staff and policy-makers in all stages of the research.
This study aims to generate evidence to inform policy development for virtual team-based care planning of care transitions. It also empowers a marginalized population to be co-partners in driving health policy priorities, elevating their voices, and advancing equity.


This study explores the experience of users engaging in virtual team-based care to assess the benefits and challenges of existing practices and propose recommendations for improvements.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Lillian Hung
Project Lead: Ian Chan. Please contact Ian Chan at dchancp1@mail.ubc.ca if you have any questions/interest.

The Team
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