Tricks of the trade: From writing a course assignment to publishing a commentary
With Dr. Jae-Yung Kwon

At some point in your academic career, you will probably have to write a commentary. The goal of publishing commentaries is to find a unique perspective or angle that advances a particular topic such as existing issues, concepts, or implication of newly implemented innovation. In this presentation, I will demystify the process of transforming a course assignment into a published commentary in a peer-reviewed journal. This presentation will also provide tips and tricks to overcome fears of writing by sharing my personal early career stories. There will be time to share your own writing journey and tips to overcome writing struggles.
Wednesday, January 12th 2022 4:00 pm PDT
Online: https://uvic.zoom.us/j/84471360852?pwd=UFRrNTh1dnluOTcxOVViWnRXdFdOQT09
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