Tochie – A Smart Audio Device

About the Tochie Project

Tochie is a smart audio device that is intended to assist family member supporters and caregivers of older adults. Tochie can help with reminders about daily tasks and can help with performing other activities. Our research aims to learn about the experiences of seniors, family members and caregivers with using the Tochie device.

Tochie first plays an audio sound followed by a pre-recorded message made by family members. This allows family to provide support to their loved ones living in long-term care (LTC). An advantage of the Tochie device is that there is no language barrier for recording the message. In addition, the recording can be used for daily activities, such as, reminding residents to take medication, or to go to appointments. The recordings from familiar family member voices may also provide comfort and companionship.

Twenty of the Tochie devices will be distributed to LTC homes. Each device will be given to residents who are interested in participating in the project. Once the residents and their family members have trialed the Tochie devices for four weeks, we will seek their feedback about the experience. We will interview the resident participants, their family members and their caregivers to learn about how they interacted with the device and how it may have supported residents in their daily life. This project is still in its early stages, however we are excited to learn more about how the innovative Tochie device may help older adults as they age.   

Our Team

Team Members: Margaret Lin, Irene Chen. See our ‘About Us’ page to learn more about our lab members.